Koe no Katachi is one of the film adaptation of the manga titled Koe no Katachi. A manga was created by Ooima Yoshitoki, and was released on August 7, 2013. While the film itself was released on September 17, 2016, and created by Kyoto Animation studio.
Voice actors involved in this movie quite a lot of them namely Hayamin Saori voiced Nishimiya Shouko, Irino Miyu voiced Ishida Shouya, Aoi Yuuki voiced Nishimiya Yuzuru Kaneko, Yuuki voiced Naoka Ueno, Ono Kensho Tomohiro Nagatsuka, Han Megumi voiced Kawaii Miki, and Yui Ishikawa voiced Miyoko Sahara.
The synopsis of this movie is Ishida Shouya bullies a deaf girl, Nishimiya Shoukou, to the point that she transfers to another school. As a result, he is ostracized and bullied himself with no friends to speak of and no plans for the future. This is the story of his path to redemption.
The plot is very interesting, shades of a slice of life very substantially. The beginning of the story a little mixed up, but after Nishimiya entering class. The plot is neat and not retreat to the rear. But maybe you still need to read the manga, because there are some scenes in the manga are not entered into the anime. For romance not that much and still less, then there is a light comedy genre as well.
There are enough characters in the Koe no Katachi, specifically the Extras. Ishida Shouya as the main character guy and the main Heroine as Shouko Nishimiya. And a lot of characters that help support the plot. Like Yuzuru, Ueno, Kawai, Nagatsuka and others. And the nature of the different characters that make this storyline goes with interest. Nishimiya voice while talking like a baby so it’s a little bit funny.
The image quality of Koe no Katachi is pretty good. Especially for coloring and a very good environment. When fireworks explode during the festival looks very nice.
Koe no Katachi is a highly awaited because the anime in Japan have come out from September 2016 and the manga already ends of 2014. Annoyed, amazed and funny that I felt while watching Koe no Katachi. Sad? There is some sad scene but I was still able to hold it.
I was disappointed at the end. Very unacceptable, because it should be a lot better, at least in accordance with the manga! I strongly recommend you to read the manga after watching Koe no Katachi.